Columbia Grad School of Journalism Covers 2008 Service Nation Summit

Photo Credit - Joseph C. Lin Photo Credit - Alexandra Cheney

Welcome to Columbia Graduate School of Journalism's coverage of the 9/11/08 Obama-McCain Presidential Candidate's Forum on the Columbia University Campus.

Browse through the topics at right and be sure to check out the photos, audio, and video.

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

Security Update

Starting at 2 p.m., campus security began checking Columbia IDs at the section of the campus around Alfred Lerner Hall. Security has also intensified with the arrival of the secret service.

Click for larger slideshow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the live updates and opinions! I have to ask. While I was watching the debate last night I kept seeing McCain having types of tremors or shaking in his head. Not trying to start rumors, just curious if you guys saw any of this too?

Personally, I have for the first time ever remained truly undecided on who i will vote for so I keep watching these types of interviews hoping to find something to hold on to with both candidates that I can trust and believe.