Columbia Grad School of Journalism Covers 2008 Service Nation Summit

Photo Credit - Joseph C. Lin Photo Credit - Alexandra Cheney

Welcome to Columbia Graduate School of Journalism's coverage of the 9/11/08 Obama-McCain Presidential Candidate's Forum on the Columbia University Campus.

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Ask not what your country can do for you...

ServiceNation has a page to submit questions to the candidate, as well as an online poll:

"If asked by your President, would you be willing to commit at least 50 hours a year to serving your community and country?"

In the hoopla over ticket lotteries and stalled web sites the ServiceNation Summit -- the original event -- has been sort of ignored.

The goal of the organization is to increase the number of people who commit a year to national service and who volunteer in general. It will be interesting to see if putting the candidates on the spot at Columbia will garner promises to expand programs like Americorps and Peace Corps. In his speech at the DNC, Obama did say, "If you commit to serving your community or your country, we will make sure you can afford a college education," and it didn't seem like he was referring to military service.

From their web site:

"The ultimate goal of the ServiceNation Summit, which will also promulgate a Declaration of Service that all Americans will be invited to sign, is to inspire an America in which, by 2020, 100 million citizens will volunteer time in schools, workplaces, and faith-based and community institutions each and every year (up from 61 million today), and that increasing numbers of Americans annually will commit a year of their lives to national service. that engages one million Americans a year in full-time service by the year 2020."

1 comment:

Alan Haburchak said...

Fine, I'll be the one who asks, "would anyone be nearly as interested in this Service Nation event, if it weren't for Obama and McCain's presence?"
