Columbia Grad School of Journalism Covers 2008 Service Nation Summit

Photo Credit - Joseph C. Lin Photo Credit - Alexandra Cheney

Welcome to Columbia Graduate School of Journalism's coverage of the 9/11/08 Obama-McCain Presidential Candidate's Forum on the Columbia University Campus.

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

"National Service" = "Military Draft"?

Frank White, a member the Progressive Labor Party, a Communist party in the U.S., was standing outside the Columbia University gates yesterday, handing out flyers reading, "Don't Be a Sucker for 'National Service'! Candidates, ServiceNation Use Patriotism & Nationalism to Pave Way for the Draft."
"I'm here to swim against the tide," said White, 33, of Flatbush. "People have been fooled about what national service is. They view it as something innocuous. We view it as patriotism building in order to build more war."
McCain told "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer" reporter Judy Woodruff that service cannot be compulsory.
White's flyers read, in part, Ultimately, the shortfall in troop numbers will be filled through a draft, promoted as 'national service, and sold as 'volunteerism.'
"It may be difficult to get the public behind an unpopular war," White said, "but if military service can be equated with grassroots community service, it might not be so unpopular."

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